Monday, March 21, 2011

Where could you be with six months of focus?

I'm always asking myself this question. I think it's important because it keeps you proactive. It also makes you painfully aware when the answer keeps repeating itself, that you are NOT moving forward in your life the way you want to be. But that awareness, in itself, can move you forward. So, let's start this blog by asking the question.

As a coach, I have to "practice what I preach", and so I'm always working on some goal or another. My current big "six months of focus" goal is to grow one cool program in my business called the Aspyrre Community. I also have other goals I'm working on, related to exercise, eating right, being a good parent, wife and friend, getting organized, etc. But these goals are more basic in that I know what it takes and it's just a matter of consistency. With my BIG goal I have to push out of my comfort zone, so it requires focus and energy. I don't know how successful I'll be - because BIG goals are always risky.

But one thing I do know is that it's worth the push. When I imagine what this program could look like after six months of solid focus on my part, I get really excited. I will keep you posted on my progress towards my big goal - AND I would like to hear yours as well.

If you could have something be really different in your life after six months, what would it be? If you focused on it for six months, how far might you get?

What would be really exciting?

Think about it - and feel free to share what comes up for you!

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